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Business Owners, Marketers, Solopreneurs

Get essential digital marketing skills & guidance.

Sign up for my monthly club to learn about SEO, digital ads, content marketing, and more. You'll have full access to a library of videos, my email digest, and monthly webinars.

Only $29 / mo (50% off first month)

Why You Should Join

I created Digest Marketing for Everyone to learn more about how to market a business or themselves online. It's amazing how much a little knowledge can have an immediate impact on your growth. Get the daily nudge, coaching, and interaction you need to compete in this ever-evolving digital world.

~ Paul Shirer, Founder

Learn & Engage Like Social Media

Enjoy learning more like a social network. Each day I'll share practical, usable tidbits — commentary on trending articles, original video shorts, infographics, and top news. You'll get it conveniently in your inbox and you can access it in real-time online. You can also join in regular workshop webinars on practical topics.

Learn, engage, ask questions, personalize your experience. This learning approach goes way beyond the conference or the traditional online course. It's sticky, consistent and relevant!

Get Ongoing Guidance & Support

The club is ongoing and always available to you! Every day you'll have guidance on trending topics you can put into practice when you're ready. And, you can always ask a question and get an answer to clarify important concepts.

You no longer have to guess at what’s important and look for hours online for answers. I'll help you get what you need and provide it all in one place. Just check your email or visit online.

Get Practical & Actionable Skills

Digital marketing only works if you can put it into action. And you learn a lot more by doing. So, I only curate or create learning content that is easy to understand, very practical to your business, and you can act on immediately. I'll provide next steps you can easily follow, and you can always ask questions!

Make Better, More Confident Business Decisions

Lack of digital marketing skills impacts business decisions. How can you know what products to bring to market or how to position them if you're not certain how to grow them? How can you hire a digital marketing team or an agency if you don't what you're looking for?

By learning more each day about digital marketing, you'll see more clearly how a business can grow, who can help grow it, and you're overall conversations about marketing will vastly improve.

Stay in the Know

Knowledge is power. As I'll be pushing you the most important trends and skills at the moment, you'll stay up-to-date on a regular basis. The market is always shifting, new tools arise, search algorithms change, new opportunities emerge. I'll be certain to share relevant trends and news as they come up. This will give you the confidence and peace of mind you need to just keep going!

Engage with a Like-Minded Community

This is truly the next-gen in learning experiences. It's more like a social network! Members can not only react to my content, they can curate their own and start forum discussions around trending content with other members.

Conferences and cohorts are great, but they always come to an end. With the club, you can have an ongoing conversation with members and myself. In fact, it would be great if you invite some colleagues!

Start Your Learning Experience

Get personalized, daily marketing tips, news, expert commentary, coaching, and community in your inbox or real-time online.

Only $29 / mo

First Month 50% Off!

Join the Club Now!

What's Inside

Experience frictionless learning. Get bite-sized content and expert commentary daily in your inbox. Here's some of what's included:

For Who

Our Learning Club is for anyone who wants to be a better marketer. This includes:

Topics Include:

Social Media
Paid Media
Influencer Marketing
Email Marketing
Content Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Join the Club Now!